Navigating the ‘Valley of Disappointment’ in Research

The concept of the “Valley of Disappointment” is originated from the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. Here is the video summary

Imagine you’re trying to perform an experiment, secure a research grant or publish a journal article.

At the beginning, you’re all excited and motivated.

This is like climbing a hill of enthusiasm.

You’re full of energy, and you believe that this time things will be different.

However, after a while, the initial excitement starts to fade.

You might not see immediate results of your failed experiment, or you start facing rejections from journal publishers and grant funders.

This is where you enter the “Valley of Disappointment.”

It’s that phase where things get tough, and you start to doubt whether your efforts are worth it since your progress is miniscule as compared to the time and effort you have exerted.

This is the phase where many researchers give up.

Essentially, the “Valley of Disappointment” is the tough phase, and things feel hard, but if you keep going, you’ll eventually come out stronger on the other side, InshaAllah.

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